The Pledge of Allegiance from an atheist’s point of view. In the late fifties a group of religious fanatics decided that in spite of all the evidence against their position, America had been founded with and by their God. They chose to honor that position by imposing the addition of the words One Nation under God to the pledge of allegiance. Since this happened during the McCarthy era, any opposition was squashed as the activities of godless communists, and we learned that it was better to keep our mouth’s firmly shut, or Ronald Reagan and his FBI informers would soon be knocking on our doors. Now, in order to enshrine this obviously illegal attempt by the religious fanatics of America, the pledge of allegiance is being put under special protection. I would like to ask you to try and see this issue from perspective of the large contingent of American atheists who, as a matter of course and reason are unable to believe in the existence of God. Don’t get me wrong, we are probably the m...
Showing posts from July, 2006