
Showing posts from October, 2006
Is God a Monkey? In the early days of Creation, when God created Heaven and Earth, then light and dark and finally he created man “in His own image” (His words, not mine), we must ask ourselves what model of man did He use? The theory of evolution, although still just a theory according to a large number of people, states very clearly that man (and woman) has evolved over time. We are very close to finding that crossover humanoid between mankind and monkey-kind. But one thing is certain, in those hoary days when God was a-creating, the model for man was not a pretty picture. Lucy, and Australopithecus were ugly little warts. They were short, squat, hairy examples of smart little monkeys with an unfair advantage over the competition. They could think, they made tools and they wandered around in small clans surviving as best they could. If you had been a betting man in those days, the odds on them eventually becoming the dominant race we are now would have been incredibly long. Somet...
We Must Ban Religion, for the Common Good The time has come to get rid of religion, at least as an exterior force. In recent years it seems that religion has become the absolute criteria by which mankind judges its enemies and gives itself the right to kill them. There are thousands of variations to these cults of hatred and all ultimately end up destroying that which it professes to protect. The Christian mythology based on the sacrifice of an almost cartoon-like character, has a rich history of intolerance and death. Most recently, in its covert actions in Muslim countries, its support of pseudo science that denies life giving therapies and research, its willingness to sacrifice mothers to the advantage of unwanted blastocells and its ongoing genocidal attacks around the world may not be the absolute leader in theo-cretinism, but it is a strong contender. The Christian right has been, for a number of years, the center of what is both evil and enslaving in the United States. In its...