
A cleaner world vision beyond Triple A battery powered transportation

I am tired of the electro fascists who insist that the only option for personal transportation is an electric vehicle. To them it is entirely logical to legislate the 260 million cars and trucks off the roads of America in favor of the one million electro cars now on those same roads. Don't get me wrong, electric cars are nice, especially in areas where there is an overabundance of clean free electricity needed to keep them going. But the impact of plugging 260 million cars  into the existing US grid at the same time for an up eight hour recharge cannot be measured in the amount of upgrading the grid will have to spend at our expense. Washington state already makes those who bought hybrids  pay a $75 licensing fee to offset the plug in expenses, a clear admission that those of us who bought Prius are subsidizing the Leaf blowers. An yet there are alternatives available and in the technical pipelines The solutions we should be looking at are how are we going to mix the va...
Climate Change is Real, but not in our Reality Show Presidency. There are two approaches to climate change; both emulate the ostrich in many ways. The first approach looks at the problem and attempts to mitigate our self inflicted climate wounds by placing Band-Aids over the bloodier parts and hoping the earth does not bleed out before we either die of natural causes, or we can garner equal amounts of income from the problem and our solutions. The second approach is more radical and requires some sacrifices, this is the “get rid of it” approach where a clear and present danger has already shown us how violent the game has become. Violent storms randomly strewn across all continents, air so poisoned we cannot breathe it without masks are not symptoms you can ignore. The little that gets done in the face of an almost overwhelming wall of money is quite heroic. But they are band aids on a hemorrhage and should be seen as just enough to salve our consciences, not effective s...
CALL IT IN! In the wake of the last few month's repeated killings in schools around the nation. As a result of the complete indifference of federal and state authorities to wards legitimate concern about the gun related deaths of our children in the clear and abject purchase by organizations such as the NRA and other crypto terrorist groups in the United States. I am urging any and all citizens who may be concerned about guns in their neighborhoods, who are aware that such weapons are in their neighborhoods and in their neighbor's homes, to fill in the form below and send it, or drop it off at your nearest police station. Do it anonymously if you must, or discuss it with your neighbor. But please, get that gun out in the open and perform what can only be called a Citizen's Gun Registration act. If nothing else, it will give first responders to the next outrage in one of our schools advanced warning about potentially violent situations. It is your right and your dut...

There is no difference between a US Marine and an ISIS Fighter.

From the big picture point of view, the overall cause and effect there is no difference between the young soldier humping an AK-47 and the same young man with the M-16 in his hands. There is very little difference between the Irish terrorist and the Ugandan freedom fighter except the reason he is there, the uniform he is wearing and the opponents they face. There are millions of "soldiers" walking millions of miles and doing exactly the same things to millions of opponents. Some are sharply defined, the heroes of their nations, the adulated golden youth we saw in Treblinka, Jerusalem, the World Trade Center towers, killers in Paris, Brussels, Charlotte, Aleppo or Moscow. These "soldiers" have several things in common, the murderous fury they display when keyed by the right rhetoric, the pride in their dying for the right rhetoric, the thin veneer o cant over usually very simplistic, almost childish world view due to a restricted education based on command response...

Return to Muslandia

It is hard to understand how any sane person can follow an ideology that supports the death of others. If there are deadly penalties in your holy books, you have a moral, ethical and human obligation to not only walk away from it, but to denounce it at the highest mountain tops. I would go even further, if your ideology has EVER condoned the use of deadly force, you need to walk away. We are none of us saints, probably because the whole idea of saints is a man made myth to an ideal that is unattainable,but we do have aspirations towards basic decency that all religions and the gods that were created around them want to deny us. There is nothing noble in presenting the other cheek, just abasement and humility. There is no virtue in telling half the world that they are second class and beneath interest or contempt, is there any justice in an eye for an eye? The true study of the holy books written by unholy men should be counting the number of ways we are urged to murder. If genocide...

The Bernie Phenomena

The 2016 election has been highly entertaining so far. Less for the ideas expressed and the advances provided to humanity of how we, as a species, a nation or a group can better ourselves than for just a Kardashian exuberance for the cult of the almighty ME. A very long time ago when I was in high school, one of my teachers asked us to write down and sign the following: "I, Peter Brown, am the least interesting person in the world." His point was manifold, but in effect he was telling us that in the great unveiling of the Universe our fifteen year old opinions and thoughts mattered little. He was right, of course, and in many ways he still is and most specifically when I overhear discussions punctuated by the immortal I and ME. This election cycle has brought the ME syndrome to the forefront of the selection dance. The obvious champion of the genre is the immortal Trump. But he is in no way alone at the top. On the Democratic side we have the resurrected Bernie, or more spe...

The Rules of War

What we are seeing is not war. What we are seeing are random acts of violence that have no relation to the age old concept of war. There are specific rules to war, rules that stipulate what aggression and organized murder has to take in order to be called a war. Wars must be fought between armies, not small children watching fireworks. The combat unit is called a soldier. He is a trained operator working for pay and prestige engaged in working against similar units on the other side. The war itself must be declared between nations who sponsor their units. If you are not a recognized unit, you cannot participate. The price for a civilian to jump into a war is very high and can lead to the execution of hostages from the civilian's immediate surroundings. Realistically what we are seeing are just a series of murders that the public, which should not be involved, has, in its ignorance, called wars. In effect all the "terror attacks" should be treated strictly as rand...

The hidden agenda of BREXIT

1932 all over again, different players, same old shit. With Russia starting its gnawing away at its neighbors in order to get more territory, the UK is groping its way towards the US. Military and religious unrest in the middle east taking petro power away from the civilized world, all we need is for one of several small conflicts to give one or more tin pot dictator to become offended and start so mething. Do you think that Donald has the brains of a Hitler? Does Hollande look like a Petain? Is there a country on the planet with an incredible arsenal and has it been training their troops with mini-wars for a while? Are parts of the world loaded with ultra rich, ultra educated young people fanatically following some sort of leader we know little about? Is the Koran the new Mein Kampf? Why is all wealth accumulated in a small enclave of the disgustingly rich and taxes abrogated for them? Those tax dollars, Euros, Riyals and Rubles that should be staving off the forces of evil are, in f...