A cleaner world vision beyond Triple A battery powered transportation
I am tired of the electro fascists who insist that the only option for personal transportation is an electric vehicle. To them it is entirely logical to legislate the 260 million cars and trucks off the roads of America in favor of the one million electro cars now on those same roads. Don't get me wrong, electric cars are nice, especially in areas where there is an overabundance of clean free electricity needed to keep them going. But the impact of plugging 260 million cars into the existing US grid at the same time for an up eight hour recharge cannot be measured in the amount of upgrading the grid will have to spend at our expense. Washington state already makes those who bought hybrids pay a $75 licensing fee to offset the plug in expenses, a clear admission that those of us who bought Prius are subsidizing the Leaf blowers. An yet there are alternatives available and in the technical pipelines The solutions we should be looking at are how are we going to mix the va...