In the wake of the last few month's repeated killings in schools around the nation. As a result of the complete indifference of federal and state authorities to wards legitimate concern about the gun related deaths of our children in the clear and abject purchase by organizations such as the NRA and other crypto terrorist groups in the United States.

I am urging any and all citizens who may be concerned about guns in their neighborhoods, who are aware that such weapons are in their neighborhoods and in their neighbor's homes, to fill in the form below and send it, or drop it off at your nearest police station.

Do it anonymously if you must, or discuss it with your neighbor. But please, get that gun out in the open and perform what can only be called a Citizen's Gun Registration act. If nothing else, it will give first responders to the next outrage in one of our schools advanced warning about potentially violent situations.

It is your right and your duty to make sure that the latent blackmail gun owners exert over us be made public when the need arises.

Citizen’s Report of a Lethal Weapon in Public

This form is anonymous by intent and for cause. If you wish to provide your name and address, please feel free, there should be no repercussions on you or your family.

Your Name:        (leave blank if you wish)
I am reporting the presence of a () Handgun       () Rifle                   () Shotgun           () Other Firearm

I believe it to be: () Single shot   () Semi Automatic            () Automatic                       () Unknown

I have seen ammunition for the device:                () Yes     () No.

It is located at:   Address:

                                Name of Owner:
                                Others in home:
                                Number of People in home:       Children: (   )      Adults: (   )

The device is in a closet, under lock and key:       () Yes                     () No
The device is available to all:                                       () Yes                     () No


Reason for reporting:     The owner makes me nervous                                 () Yes     () No
                                                Another person living there makes me nervous: () Yes   () No
                                                I Have no reason for being nervous:                        () Yes     () No.
                                                Someone in my home is nervous:                            () Yes     () No

You may contact me by phone at: (   )
                                                Email at:
Come to my home please:

Thank your getting in touch with your local police, send this by mail to:  



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