I have been Banned from Ann Coulter’s Website!

I am so proud of myself. I recently wanted to raise a little hell on America’s high priestess’ website, better known as Mein Kampf Zwei, and I was advised, in lovely pastel blue script that I had been banned.

Amazing, the foremost authority on fascist legal ideology refuses to allow me in her sandbox. An all I wanted to do was play a little, move some dump trucks around, clean up some of the filth she leaves there on a regular basis. Well, now I’ve been told, and with a vengeance. To think she even wrote a whole book about me and my ilk, “Godless”. Oh yes, and I’m proud of it, liberal and even prouder, pacifist, left wing stinking democratic pond scum.

It’s the ilk that did me in.

Our fellow travelers who refuse to recognize the genius in George, the almost godlike virtue of supporting big business and fat cats, to push everybody else’s kids into a war based on lies, they are the ones who done me wrong. They fingered me to the goddess of law and order, Auschwitz-style, or maybe it was my own finger to her that got me ousted.

So, fellow readers, it’s official now. It’s all over between Ann and I. Even though the heart still flutters and the stomach still heaves whenever I see her on TV or hear her dulcet screech on the radio, it is... ALL OVER.

Be still my heart, it could never have worked anyway. They closed the camps a long time ago, so she had nothing to guard and nowhere to go and so went willingly into the waiting arms of the Republican Party. No place for an intelligent, thinking animal like myself, and even for y’all out there.

Oh, I highly recommend trying to crash her party, www.anncoulter.org. Go to the chat room and see how long YOU last. Then get back to me.


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