
Showing posts from December, 2006
Come and get it, shithead!! It’s not the dead, it’s not the lies it’s not even the arrogance and the blind stupidity that gets you, it’s the fact that after all that has gone on, there has been no impression made. When you split skulls, destroy buildings or rape women, there is a long term attrition that affects both the victim and the killer, here nothing, no sense that an impression has been made, no sense that the dead count, the wounded still have feelings, that the gangrene from the presidential brain has infected the whole fabric of our society. Where is the anger, the fury that stops tanks and armies in their tracks? The blind and asinine parents proud of their sons and daughters as they wear the oppressing uniforms, the support the troops stickers, we can win this thing we can stay the course a few thousand more troopers, a few thousand more corpses whose blood runs black now because they have been there too long. Bloating in the sun, smelling to high heaven, mute and smelly...
Unrelated Christian Alternative Explanations And what about Mary? My personal theory of the virgin birth of Christ is based on some assumptions, deep understanding of the guy culture and the fact that life was pretty basic back then. If you recall, an angel came unto Mary and told her that she would give birth to a king. Angels are apparently pretty persuasive because she swallowed the whole story, hook line and sinker (A useful trait for someone who would mother a fisherman) She not only accepted the story, but got her husband, Joe, to go along with it. Now Mary was apparently still a virgin at this time, so she was either not married and playing hard to get, or she was married and Joe needed a serious course of Viagra. Either way, Hymen Intacta was the order of the day, and apparently the nights. So off they go, JC is born in a barn and we all know the Christmas story. BUT What if there was another explanation? What if the whole cockamamie story was not true? What if Mary was fa...