Unrelated Christian Alternative Explanations

And what about Mary?
My personal theory of the virgin birth of Christ is based on some assumptions, deep understanding of the guy culture and the fact that life was pretty basic back then. If you recall, an angel came unto Mary and told her that she would give birth to a king. Angels are apparently pretty persuasive because she swallowed the whole story, hook line and sinker (A useful trait for someone who would mother a fisherman)

She not only accepted the story, but got her husband, Joe, to go along with it. Now Mary was apparently still a virgin at this time, so she was either not married and playing hard to get, or she was married and Joe needed a serious course of Viagra.

Either way, Hymen Intacta was the order of the day, and apparently the nights.

So off they go, JC is born in a barn and we all know the Christmas story.


What if there was another explanation? What if the whole cockamamie story was not true? What if Mary was far from being a virgin and had a bad rep from the get-go?

Mythless theory or the alternative explanation of Mary’s “Virgin Birth”
Mary was a prostitute. She was really good at her job and she had a great following up and down the Sea of Galilee where sailors and carpenters gathered, and talked. She had a pimp called Joe, and he took care of her.

She also had an amazing capacity to regenerate her hymen after each interlude. She was known for this and was referred to as that “Virgin Mary” in every bar, brothel and barn.

Imagine the consternation in those same venues when the word got out that the “Virgin” was pregnant! In a scandal that endures to this day in one of the major religions of our time, the concept of virgin birth is not only accepted, but taken over, touted and expounded as a virtue. Amazingly this is what appears to have happened and continues to happen, never more strongly than during the Christmas season.

Because the “Virgin Mary” may have been a virgin during conception, but ask any obstetrician worth his salt, she was certainly no virgin following the birth of JC. And yet, amazingly to the good folks of Christianity, she is still referred to as the Virgin. This is a tribute to the strength and holding power of her hymen, or just a restatement of her obvious ability to regrow it?

Something to ponder during midnight mass, I wot.


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