An Open Question to The Christian Right and The Muslim Extremists

I am in the process of trying to understand the great love people with religious backgrounds profess for their fellow human beings. The latest effort required some research because I am unable to understand why anyone would really care about those of us atheists who really do not accept the mythology that is so prevalent these days.

I mean, why would you care if your neighbor does not believe that there is a great mythological beast out there that sees all, understands all, and has a record of being nasty? Surely an atheist is the least of your christian worries since he does not prevent you from either adoring the great mythological beast of your choice, or fighting the great mythological beasts your religion has created? Why do Muslims have strict rules that atheists must be killed? Something most christians obviously agree with?

As an atheist, I am flattered that you take us so seriously, and have responded in such a typically christian way, kill them all! But can you explain the attitude? As a human being, not as a religious fanatic, can you honestly tell me why I need to die for my lack of belief in your beast? Surely if the beast is that powerful, he would have shown me the way, he would have taken care of getting me on board. If this beast actually existed anywhere but in your faith or sick mind, he would have made sure that people like me had no option but to believe.

I am merely asking the question because the idea that there is a vast horde of caring and adoring people out there who think nothing is wrong in killing other people who do not accept their beast can be quite scary.

Their laws are clear, as clear as my beliefs.


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