My highway rules

It's never the life you lead but the truth you follow that bring you to your end at another man's bidding. Your own values and convictions should be strong enough to maintain your integrity and ensure your existence. It's when I follow another man's thoughts, another man's delusions or dreams that I run afoul of myself and afoul of the others.
Two enemies face you the day you are led astray; yourself in conflict with your intelligence and the others who have abandoned their own. There is no easy road back from the mistakes of the follower, his road is no longer his own path, and trying to make sense of the small paths, and large highways that others open up for you is no easy matter. Your own footprints get blurred in the masses of cattle tracks that belong to no one, and your small little footpad, the animal track of your frightened awareness, can never be picked up once you have walked away from it.
It is a small thing to stray, and a small sidestep is no big matter. But remember that going back is always harder the further you run from your own true path. Explore on the side, look it over and move on. Pick it up, carry it with you, whittle it and change it and adapt it to yourself. Never, ever lose sight of your way, and lighten your load as you move along that road.
You may not know where you go, and you may never get where you wanted to be, but dying on your own trail, with your own baggage and no one else's burden or cant is a sweet death indeed. You may not choose the time, but you can be in the place you wanted to be at the moment you want to be there, and if that is your last stop, then you have arrived at the last.


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