My Fatwa
A fatwa in the Islamic cult is a legal opinion or ruling from an Islamic scholar. It is that simple and that deadly. So when you hear that somebody in a remote village of some far off land has issued a Fatwa that legalizes the killing of an individual, or a whole nation, it is actually one man's opinion expressed as a statement wrapped up in some sort of undefined Islamo Legalistic wording.
Notice that the definition does not specify who can issue Fatwas, and what the criteria of support really are. A Fatwa, in reality, is one man's opinion based on his very own interpretation of the holy books that Islam revere as the word of their peculiar God, in this case called Allah.
Having studied Islam these last thirteen years with growing concern and contempt, I wondered if I qualified as a Scholar, and if yes, could I issue a Fatwa? After consulting with a Muslim friend, and speaking to an Imam who will remain nameless, we concluded that in reality anyone can issue a Fatwa. How it is received is based on each Muslim's opinion of the ruling and the person who issued the Fatwa.
Remarkably, the faithful have to exercise their judgement in deciding which Fatwa merits his support. In effect absolving the Fatwa issuer from responsibility for the actions of his followers.
On the other hand some Fatwas are less serious than the usual suicide bombers, ritual killing of women and other psychotic rulings that Islam seems to expect. My favorite is still the Fatwa that forbids married couples to be entirely naked during sex, the other is that for an unmarried man and a woman to work together without offending Allah, she must breast feed the man eight times, that appears to suffice in establishing some sort of legality to work together and allows the woman to"show her hair" to her co-worker.
I am not a prude, but the idea of an uptight Saudi oil executive requesting to suckle his admin's teats is, at the very least, interesting.
My personal Fatwa at this point is very simple, since the present Islamo-Fascists have taken over the responsibility to kill and maim innocent people, I hereby declare a Fatwa on all radical Muslims who in thought and in act express or carry out the desire and the purpose of murdering anyone for any reason, those people may be hunted down and killed on sight. There is, of course, no trip to heaven and itsnumerous virgin Djinn, for anyone who carries out these acts of terrorism
I have studies Islam and other religions for many years, and I believe that this is the true will of God.
A fatwa in the Islamic cult is a legal opinion or ruling from an Islamic scholar. It is that simple and that deadly. So when you hear that somebody in a remote village of some far off land has issued a Fatwa that legalizes the killing of an individual, or a whole nation, it is actually one man's opinion expressed as a statement wrapped up in some sort of undefined Islamo Legalistic wording.
Notice that the definition does not specify who can issue Fatwas, and what the criteria of support really are. A Fatwa, in reality, is one man's opinion based on his very own interpretation of the holy books that Islam revere as the word of their peculiar God, in this case called Allah.
Having studied Islam these last thirteen years with growing concern and contempt, I wondered if I qualified as a Scholar, and if yes, could I issue a Fatwa? After consulting with a Muslim friend, and speaking to an Imam who will remain nameless, we concluded that in reality anyone can issue a Fatwa. How it is received is based on each Muslim's opinion of the ruling and the person who issued the Fatwa.
Remarkably, the faithful have to exercise their judgement in deciding which Fatwa merits his support. In effect absolving the Fatwa issuer from responsibility for the actions of his followers.
On the other hand some Fatwas are less serious than the usual suicide bombers, ritual killing of women and other psychotic rulings that Islam seems to expect. My favorite is still the Fatwa that forbids married couples to be entirely naked during sex, the other is that for an unmarried man and a woman to work together without offending Allah, she must breast feed the man eight times, that appears to suffice in establishing some sort of legality to work together and allows the woman to"show her hair" to her co-worker.
I am not a prude, but the idea of an uptight Saudi oil executive requesting to suckle his admin's teats is, at the very least, interesting.
My personal Fatwa at this point is very simple, since the present Islamo-Fascists have taken over the responsibility to kill and maim innocent people, I hereby declare a Fatwa on all radical Muslims who in thought and in act express or carry out the desire and the purpose of murdering anyone for any reason, those people may be hunted down and killed on sight. There is, of course, no trip to heaven and itsnumerous virgin Djinn, for anyone who carries out these acts of terrorism
I have studies Islam and other religions for many years, and I believe that this is the true will of God.