The Gay Victim.
Welcome to a shadow world, a world where children walk in fear of their parents trying to confront questions to which they have no answers. A world that will ostracize them, bully them and eventually even kill them. They are trapped in the cruel reality that their bodies are not what everybody else's bodies are. They crave what others fear and loath.
Welcome to the world of gay America, a land that forces its citizens to perform incredible mental, psychological and physical gyrations just be allowed the right to exist. It is a world where they are advised to lie and dissemble, that in the pursuit of that most precious commodity, love, they sneak around in fear of their own feelings and lives.
These are normal people, they are your family, your friends and your business relations. They are the ones who cannot defend themselves because in many cases they are not comfortable with who they are or what they have been told they are. They do not live in a closet so they cannot come out of a closet. They are already out there but often wish they had a closet to hide in.
Most are grateful to live in more enlightened times and places, but vast parts of the world, most organized religions, political parties, the Boy Scouts of America, schools and countries ban them. No wonder, with so much unfounded hatred, very often they die not for what they do but for what they are.
Hitler routinely put them to death, so do Muslims, Ugandans, South Americans and other primitive cultures. In America we are more subtle, don't ask don't tell for the gay warrior who will put his life on the line for a country that in reality abhors him or her. In California, with Proposition 8 outlawing gay marriage, the least attractive aspect of our inhumanity was given the right to bray its ignorance. The proposition passed with a slim majority, funded by that Utah based organization that encourages well dressed men to travel together in suspicious community.
Again, there is no argument here just the usual hatred of those who are not like me and probably not like thee. In Germany jews, in America and around the world, gay people.
My advice, as usual when you are being singled out for attack, lay low, make noise and wait for enlightenment, take heart in the fact Zeus is gone, can Christ and Allah be far behind? With religion dying, your day will come.
Welcome to a shadow world, a world where children walk in fear of their parents trying to confront questions to which they have no answers. A world that will ostracize them, bully them and eventually even kill them. They are trapped in the cruel reality that their bodies are not what everybody else's bodies are. They crave what others fear and loath.
Welcome to the world of gay America, a land that forces its citizens to perform incredible mental, psychological and physical gyrations just be allowed the right to exist. It is a world where they are advised to lie and dissemble, that in the pursuit of that most precious commodity, love, they sneak around in fear of their own feelings and lives.
These are normal people, they are your family, your friends and your business relations. They are the ones who cannot defend themselves because in many cases they are not comfortable with who they are or what they have been told they are. They do not live in a closet so they cannot come out of a closet. They are already out there but often wish they had a closet to hide in.
Most are grateful to live in more enlightened times and places, but vast parts of the world, most organized religions, political parties, the Boy Scouts of America, schools and countries ban them. No wonder, with so much unfounded hatred, very often they die not for what they do but for what they are.
Hitler routinely put them to death, so do Muslims, Ugandans, South Americans and other primitive cultures. In America we are more subtle, don't ask don't tell for the gay warrior who will put his life on the line for a country that in reality abhors him or her. In California, with Proposition 8 outlawing gay marriage, the least attractive aspect of our inhumanity was given the right to bray its ignorance. The proposition passed with a slim majority, funded by that Utah based organization that encourages well dressed men to travel together in suspicious community.
Again, there is no argument here just the usual hatred of those who are not like me and probably not like thee. In Germany jews, in America and around the world, gay people.
My advice, as usual when you are being singled out for attack, lay low, make noise and wait for enlightenment, take heart in the fact Zeus is gone, can Christ and Allah be far behind? With religion dying, your day will come.