
Showing posts from January, 2015

The Ethical Dilemma of Aspiring Christian Martyrs.

The Ethical Dilemma of an Aspiring Christian Martyr. With the emergence of a cadre of Muslim terrorists dedicated to closely following the example of the Prophet Mohammed (PUH) and slaughtering an open menu of innocent people, they owe us the common courtesy of what our responsibilities are vis a vis our martyrdom. It gets even more ethically and theologically complex when you dial in such issues as how do I reconcile my own position or that of my religion or lack of religion to accommodate the needs for eternal salvation or whatever of the slaughtering team. For example, one of my friends is a born again Christian secure in his faith and willing and able to follow every last precept as it emanates from the Bible (The True Word of God Almighty). Now he asked me how to handle that admonition of turning the other cheek if slapped on the right one. “How can I do that if one cheek is six feet away from the other following a sloppy beheading?” The answer is obvious, consider yo...