The Ethical Dilemma of Aspiring Christian Martyrs.
The Ethical Dilemma of an Aspiring Christian Martyr.
With the emergence of a cadre of Muslim terrorists dedicated
to closely following the example of the Prophet Mohammed (PUH) and slaughtering
an open menu of innocent people, they owe us the common courtesy of what our
responsibilities are vis a vis our martyrdom.
It gets even more ethically and theologically complex when
you dial in such issues as how do I reconcile my own position or that of my
religion or lack of religion to accommodate the needs for eternal salvation or
whatever of the slaughtering team. For example, one of my friends is a born
again Christian secure in his faith and willing and able to follow every last
precept as it emanates from the Bible (The True Word of God Almighty). Now he
asked me how to handle that admonition of turning the other cheek if slapped on
the right one. “How can I do that if one cheek is six feet away from the other
following a sloppy beheading?”
The answer is obvious, consider your cheeks as meat on a barbecue
and at the right time, turn them both.
Not all these questions are so easy to answer, what about
the thousands of Muslim women who are murdered in the name of the Prophet (PUH)
every day and for a variety of reasons from talking to a man to irritating
their brother. A lady in Saudi Arabia wanted to know what to wear to her
stoning. That is a much nuanced query and not entirely based on vanity, which
is a purely Christian concept since Muslim men tend to bag their female loved
ones in black laundry bags. So starting with the basics it is clear that they
may not expose their bosoms, so a clean sports bra is indicated. Their private
parts must also be covered and we suggest either a thong or a string bikini.
The head cover is optional since that is Jewish perversion and it would not be
a good idea to bring Jewish concepts to a purely Muslim tradition. If you are
having a bad skin day on your execution date, since you cannot expose your
adornments, maybe a dab of Clearasil and a foundation cream to cover beauty
But it gets complicated and much ink has spilled amongst the
various Mosques on that crucial question of whether bruises and cuts from
stoning are adornments in the Koranic sense of the word. The Prophet (PUH) is
silent on that issue probably because like most men his interest in women
ceased when the age beyond six years old and they are bagged and mistreated. In
my humble opinion we admire their concern for propriety and suggest that when
murdering and mistreating your women in a Koranically approved manner you try
not to create adornments. Follow the Christian trend towards bloodless
executions like injections and electrocutions. I realize that this may not be
possible in chronically impoverished regions infested by Muslim males, but do
the best you can. The Prophet (PUH) will approve your efforts and may reward
you post death, where most of the rewarding is being done by this most generous
Prophet/God duo.
Some ladies dress up in their Sunday best, but that could be
a mistake since Allah really has a hard on about flaunting both your wealth and
your looks on the day that you will be meeting post stoning. It is probably
smarter to go for that humble look and allow your daughters or your husband’s
other wives, to enjoy your finest. It shows generosity of spirit and allows you
to be sloppy on the ironing.
Most of the stoning advice can be applied to marrying off
your eight year old to the local elder, though it will be a lot less painful
since the old guy will be assaulting with a mushy weapon into a desensitized by
clitorectomy erogenous zone. No biggie
as we say in our culture. But they will scream and carry on, so be aware that
your child may be traumatized, but what is good for the Prophet (PUH) was good
for the elder.
We seem to have wandered off the main topic which was a
discussion on the do’s and don’ts of being a good martyr, and I promise to
address those issues in a later Epistle, after all being a good victim will
make the glory of the Prophet (PUH) much more satisfying as you ascend to your
barren (Non-Virgin) heaven secure in the knowledge that you have done all you
could not to offend the followers of the peaceful Religion.