Sex and God the two sides of the same coin?
Sex and God.
It occurs to me, a well meaning atheist, that there is
little difference between how individuals treat their sex life and their
religious affiliations. For the most part they are handled the same way, a sort
of benign and almost embarrassed afterthought that is really nobody else’s
concern. It is not, in general, discussed unless you are in a sort of frat
party situation where great exaggeration are the norm, seriously.
Think about that kegger moment when you and your co-believers
got tanked and started making those absurd claims of my dick is bigger than
your dick! Or at the local mosque, temple or church when the minister full of
himself and the Holy Spirit declares that his god is bigger, nastier or flat
out better than all other gods. As the tempo escalates you can bring in “proof”
of the most absurd kind and very often those discussions degenerate into
physical violence.
We all know, especially the women, that the differences are
very small, that they mean nothing in the outcome and that both really do not
bring anything new to the table, as it were. But nevertheless there it is, now
deal with it!
The best way to deal with it is to treat both in the same
way, what you do in your sex life should be very, very private unless you
happen to be a member of the GOP, then it appears to be fair game for all and
sundry. Religion is the same, really and absolutely the same. If you are gay or
straight, transgender or a pedophile, that is on you and you alone and if you
need to impose your thoughts on others, others have the right to defend
themselves. If you are Christian, Muslim, Mormon or Pastafarian, that is on you
and you alone and a handful of like minded believers. Pushing the metaphor a
little here, I have never gone to my front door and been asked by a well
meaning deviant if I had ever heard the good news about fellatio or gay sex. I
have never heard of fisting experts declaiming every Sunday about the uplifting
reasons to pursue that peculiar rite.
So be it for religion. I admit that some well intentioned
fanatics want to make it their business what you do in the bedroom, but they
feel no compunction about proselytizing about their peculiar religious
aberrations. On the contrary, we have gotten to the point now where a religion
has absolutely no qualms about proclaiming that not only is their long dead
head honcho the bomb, but that he wants all of us to either swallow the bomb or
make them. Imagine if you will a conspiracy of righteous rightists telling the
world that if you ascribe to certain bodily activities, they have a divinely
ordained duty to kill you. The closest I would come to that (pun) is
strangulation sex, and that may be whole new religion.
My advice is to treat God and sex in the same manner, keep
it personal, off the streets and if it works for you fine, just remember that
what pulls your chain or saves your soul is your problem, not to be shared.
Both will do for you whatever you want it to do, just keep the noise down,
close the windows and curtains and be slightly ashamed at your position and the
weird noises you have to make getting where you need to be.