
Showing posts from 2006
Come and get it, shithead!! It’s not the dead, it’s not the lies it’s not even the arrogance and the blind stupidity that gets you, it’s the fact that after all that has gone on, there has been no impression made. When you split skulls, destroy buildings or rape women, there is a long term attrition that affects both the victim and the killer, here nothing, no sense that an impression has been made, no sense that the dead count, the wounded still have feelings, that the gangrene from the presidential brain has infected the whole fabric of our society. Where is the anger, the fury that stops tanks and armies in their tracks? The blind and asinine parents proud of their sons and daughters as they wear the oppressing uniforms, the support the troops stickers, we can win this thing we can stay the course a few thousand more troopers, a few thousand more corpses whose blood runs black now because they have been there too long. Bloating in the sun, smelling to high heaven, mute and smelly...
Unrelated Christian Alternative Explanations And what about Mary? My personal theory of the virgin birth of Christ is based on some assumptions, deep understanding of the guy culture and the fact that life was pretty basic back then. If you recall, an angel came unto Mary and told her that she would give birth to a king. Angels are apparently pretty persuasive because she swallowed the whole story, hook line and sinker (A useful trait for someone who would mother a fisherman) She not only accepted the story, but got her husband, Joe, to go along with it. Now Mary was apparently still a virgin at this time, so she was either not married and playing hard to get, or she was married and Joe needed a serious course of Viagra. Either way, Hymen Intacta was the order of the day, and apparently the nights. So off they go, JC is born in a barn and we all know the Christmas story. BUT What if there was another explanation? What if the whole cockamamie story was not true? What if Mary was fa...
Instead of God, What? On the one hand denying up to the existence of a large mythological beast is one way to fight ignorance, but there has to be an answer to the desires of humanity for more to life than what we are. Actually, what endures in this land are hate and love. There are longstanding hatreds based in fear and ignorance that have poisoned our reasons for living and pushed adherents into the waiting arms of the true believers. Think of the KKK, the Nazi Party, the Inquisition and the Jones Town masses who died and killed in an orgy of belief. Think of the legacy left behind that created an Israel, molded Africa and fulfilled our imperial aspirations in the Ghettos of America. Hatred of the Jew, the black man and the communist has destroyed more futures than the love of the sixties. But in lives saved, and salvation is all about not killing, it is the love that endures. When we blindly follow our policy in Iraq, the opposing stream remembers other conflicts, like Vietnam, ...
Thank God for Evolution. On reflection, evolution is alive and doing really well up in Heaven. In my last posting I postulated that God might have the physical shape of a monkey. This simple observation was based on His own words as they were transmitted to us through the Old Testament. He states that God made Adam in his own image, and at the time Adam, being a first generation Homo Erectus, could only be more apelike than George Bush. But with evolution coming into play, we get a modern and improved model in the shape of His son, none other than Jesus Christ. This new and improved model roamed the earth some 2000 years ago spouting amazing platitudes and inanities. But I digress. To remain focused only on the physical aspects of the new version, as depicted in any number of non-contemporary eyewitness accounts, we can say that JC was tall, bearded, amazingly thin and looked really good in his underwear hanging on a cross. He is also invariably white, and in his last sighting, sc...
Is God a Monkey? In the early days of Creation, when God created Heaven and Earth, then light and dark and finally he created man “in His own image” (His words, not mine), we must ask ourselves what model of man did He use? The theory of evolution, although still just a theory according to a large number of people, states very clearly that man (and woman) has evolved over time. We are very close to finding that crossover humanoid between mankind and monkey-kind. But one thing is certain, in those hoary days when God was a-creating, the model for man was not a pretty picture. Lucy, and Australopithecus were ugly little warts. They were short, squat, hairy examples of smart little monkeys with an unfair advantage over the competition. They could think, they made tools and they wandered around in small clans surviving as best they could. If you had been a betting man in those days, the odds on them eventually becoming the dominant race we are now would have been incredibly long. Somet...
We Must Ban Religion, for the Common Good The time has come to get rid of religion, at least as an exterior force. In recent years it seems that religion has become the absolute criteria by which mankind judges its enemies and gives itself the right to kill them. There are thousands of variations to these cults of hatred and all ultimately end up destroying that which it professes to protect. The Christian mythology based on the sacrifice of an almost cartoon-like character, has a rich history of intolerance and death. Most recently, in its covert actions in Muslim countries, its support of pseudo science that denies life giving therapies and research, its willingness to sacrifice mothers to the advantage of unwanted blastocells and its ongoing genocidal attacks around the world may not be the absolute leader in theo-cretinism, but it is a strong contender. The Christian right has been, for a number of years, the center of what is both evil and enslaving in the United States. In its...
Israel V. Lebanon Touted as one of the more important events in the world-fuck contest, the Israel V. Lebanon rematch ended in a PR draw, a Lebanese moral victory and an Israeli blood "red" card. Hopefully the red card will keep them out of the next few games against Palestine and whoever the Axis of Disgust decides to attack. I was in a bar the other night watching the game, in direct from the censored Israeli lines and really in direct from Al Jazeera. We had just come off a cathartic review of the endless overtime match in Iraq and started to argue about the IDF V. Hezbollah match. I should have noticed the yamulke, but didn't. His unassailable position was that Israel only had to lose one war, and they would be wiped off the map. My position was that they really needed to stop killing each other. In the final analysis we were both right and we were both wrong. There was as much need to invade Lebanon as there was to invade Iraq. Israel like the US was not being ...
A Wall of Flags I think that the time has come to put the Iraq War on the map, the American Map. I would like to propose that we install a ten foot mast with a large US flag at half staff every mile from the Pacific to the Atlantic over the most traveled highways of this land. I propose that this lane of tears be a permanent reminder to all who travel our roads that the stupidity of our leaders, from the President on down, has created a moving and unending legacy that starts in San Jose and would now be visible sixty miles East of Cleveland Ohio. In a few more weeks it will reach Washington DC. Every flag a tribute to a wasted life on a senseless and illegal war. And if we stay the course, we can have another row of flags coming home from East to West.
I have been Banned from Ann Coulter’s Website! I am so proud of myself. I recently wanted to raise a little hell on America’s high priestess’ website, better known as Mein Kampf Zwei, and I was advised, in lovely pastel blue script that I had been banned. Amazing, the foremost authority on fascist legal ideology refuses to allow me in her sandbox. An all I wanted to do was play a little, move some dump trucks around, clean up some of the filth she leaves there on a regular basis. Well, now I’ve been told, and with a vengeance. To think she even wrote a whole book about me and my ilk, “Godless”. Oh yes, and I’m proud of it, liberal and even prouder, pacifist, left wing stinking democratic pond scum. It’s the ilk that did me in. Our fellow travelers who refuse to recognize the genius in George, the almost godlike virtue of supporting big business and fat cats, to push everybody else’s kids into a war based on lies, they are the ones who done me wrong. They fingered me to the godde...
In Defense of TWAT You would think that a country as big and strong as ours that there would be no call to ever need to defend the idea of The War Against Terror (TWAT). But there you have it, with elections less than a hundred days away, it seems that we need to mount a spirited defense of this keystone of the Bush policy. So I will sacrifice myself and mount the TWAT bandwagon to ensure that future generations will live in peace, and George's very peculiar concept of freedom and democracy. To start with we must examine the origins of TWAT. In essence, when the Saudi Arabian terror machine flew two airplanes into the World Trade Center, one into the Pentagon and a fourth into a Pennsylvania farmer's field, TWAT really got excited. TWAT was on the lips of every red blooded American patriot. WHo can forget the silly buggers with their inane stickers, or George braying about Osama dead or alive. There was something about the TWAT idea that set men off. Because of TWAT we fir...
Is There No Room for Peaceful Conclaves Any More? I met a metaphor the other day coming at me with feathered arms, A peaceful metaphor with a sad look of despair. My metaphor had lost his place in the world, There was no place to go. His nest was destroyed, his wings would no longer carry him. So I picked up my metaphor, and shared him with friends And we met in secret conclaves around the world And my metaphor got bigger and healthier I think he'll be ready to fly by early November. A dove by any other name, is still a pigeon to be plucked. By Peter W. Brown
The Pledge of Allegiance from an atheist’s point of view. In the late fifties a group of religious fanatics decided that in spite of all the evidence against their position, America had been founded with and by their God. They chose to honor that position by imposing the addition of the words One Nation under God to the pledge of allegiance. Since this happened during the McCarthy era, any opposition was squashed as the activities of godless communists, and we learned that it was better to keep our mouth’s firmly shut, or Ronald Reagan and his FBI informers would soon be knocking on our doors. Now, in order to enshrine this obviously illegal attempt by the religious fanatics of America, the pledge of allegiance is being put under special protection. I would like to ask you to try and see this issue from perspective of the large contingent of American atheists who, as a matter of course and reason are unable to believe in the existence of God. Don’t get me wrong, we are probably the m...
Religion and War I was recently asked a very simple question about the present conflict in Iraq. It was asked by a person I respect and honor because she is a true patriot, viscerally opposed to war in any guise, but unfortunately, blinded by faith. She asked me where are the churches? Where are the churches is a provocative question based on the assumption that churches actually care about people. Unfortunately, they have given up that particular niche a long time ago, sometime between the Albigensian Crusades and the wholesale slaughter of innocent opponents of the tribes of Israel as described in the Old Testament. A more cogent question that should be addressed to all participants in any war should be: What are you thinking? The question can be asked of our leaders and our followers, it should be repeated daily and matched to atrocities. The question should be mandatory to any parent encouraging their child to bear arms, and it should be writ large across prisons, army bases, c...
Another Corner Turned. With the death of Al Zarkawi our administration will announce that once again we have turned a corner in the war on terror. Another day, another turn, a turn for the better or just a bend in the road, one good turn deserves another, to everything turn turn turn. As you can see, our language is full of metaphorical turns. In the case of the war on terror, and its corollary, the battle for Iraq, the word turn should be used more in the context of the milk has turned, or they have turned on us or even turnabout is fair play, especially in this witless war. These twists and turns of fate are leading us deeper into the quagmire that we all, every American that survived the Vietnam era, had predicted. And yet we should not despair, because according to some pundits, we have now made just enough turns to be right back where we started. You see if you stay the course, and only turn right, as this administration has done, you end up repeating yourself and going over y...
Whacking Civilians, an American tradition. I have no idea why we are all so upset because a few marines went on a rampage and killed innocent civilians including small children and unarmed women. It's an American tradition, and it carries little or no penalty. It happened at My Lai during the last war, it happened in Panama and it will happen when we invade Iran. There is never any punishment above a certain military or civilian rank, and those that are blamed will only receive a slap on the wrist. It is also very understandable because our soldiers know that we have no reason for being there, because right from the start of this mess they were lied to about our justification for killing Iraqis and finally because the beauty of our opening salvos in the "Shock and Awe"(TM) period was guaranteed to kill civilians in industrial numbers. Finally, killing civilians has become the national sport of Iraq, the insurgents do it, the Iraqi militia do it and we do it. It see...
TOOLS, THE MEASURE OF HUMANITY Peter Brown Through history and pre-history, scientists have learned to understand groups of people by the tools they left behind. Whether small family units or large masses of humanity, society has best expressed itself in the ways they devised to get their jobs done. Whole eras, sometimes spanning thousands of years, have been categorized by the broadest extensions of their simple implements. The stone age, broken down into the various ways that stones were transformed into useful devices, like the polished stone era, the small chip era where knapping was done in a way to maximize the aesthetics and enhancing functionality. The Bronze Age with its brilliant Greek weapons of war and even more beautiful pottery and jewelry are prime example of the tool being an extension of the tribal ethic. There are even occasions where the absence of tools has left us wondering about the level of civilization achieved by a society; the pyramids of Egypt were built w...
What Is Alternate Energy? The term alternate energy refers to a number of energy sources that have not reached mainstream production yet. They are considered alternatives to existing sources for a number of reasons, not all of which are rational. Historically we consider one of the oldest sources of energy as derived from burning wood to produce heat and to enable cooking. The wood stove was first replaced by the coal stove and later by natural gas and electricity. More modern forms of energy for cooking are the microwave, radiant heat and convection. The last three are electrically produced. So what is the alternate energy? Well, in heating, one of the latest forms of energy is derived from wood pellets. This is a situation where an energy source has come full circle. But in the broader context, alternate energy is anything that is not coal, hydro, gas, petroleum or nuclear. Some would not put nuclear energy as a standard form of energy, and since Three Mile Island and Chernob...
Great, now the Christians are up in arms about a fictional story concerning a mythical character. The Da Vinci Code movie is out, and in the spirit of Muslim tolerance, we are being urged not to see the movie. The idea of a horde of suicide bombing followers of Christ is pretty funny since that particular form of mythology actually spawns meek and meager victims rather than angry young people with too much time on their hands blowing up airplanes. No, much better to have irritated Christians than pissed off Muslims, but that can change. All we need is for some Ayatollah to declare that his kids care more for the Prophet than our kids care for Christ and off we go into the suicide finals. Showdown at the Roman corral. Hey 12 really bad cartoons compared to a very boring, two hour, movie! Sounds like a deal to me, besides, I always preferred cartoons, it kept me from having to think. The old Playboy mantra, it's not the pictures it's the articles.
I stand in awe of the visionary solution to the imminent threat of invasion by millions of disenfranchised Mexican pouring over our borders on a daily basis (whew, what a mouthful) Seriously, how original, how blindingly simple, let's build a 700 mile long wall to keep the immigrants on their side and the prisoners on our side. Brilliant, but I would like to offer a solution to the obvious questions that will go begging in the wake of this gigantic building program. Who will build it? I suggest that we round up the illegal immigrants and put them to work on their wall, poetic, no? We get all the illegally imported Mexicans to stay on their side of the wall to build it, we pay them minimum wages and make sure that after working on the damn thing for several years they are aware of the Wall and its purpose, plus, they'll be on the other side of the wall when it's finished, neat and clean. I already hear your objections, what about our side? Who will build our side of the...
Ah India, the last best place to build a bomb. Give me a break. We arbitrarily decide to support India’s nuclear program even though that country has never signed the non-proliferation treaty, has a very active military nuclear program and is both internally and externally unstable. At the same time we are preparing our own nuclear weapons to take out Iran, a country that has signed the treaty, does not have weapons or even a proven weapons program and is essentially trying to abide by the terms of the treaty. There is an irony here; the country that has received the majority of our outsourced jobs is now probably going to have our weapons program outsourced. Could it be that Bush has discovered just one more way to be a complete idiot? Probably not, as usual, follow the money. With India receiving massive industrial support for its nuclear programs, you can be sure that Halliburton will be either first or second in line for the dollars to develop. And, when the weapons that will ...
AFGHANI TO DIE FOR CHRISTIANITY This is delicious! Our country goes flying in to Afghanistan to liberate the people from the Taliban, those remorseless Muslims who went around whacking people on their shins for disrespect to their God. We not only miss the head bad guy, Osama, but we lose a wide receiver in the process for what? For our soldiers who died to have the right to watch the judiciary in that country decide to kill a Muslim who wants to be a Christian. There are so many ramifications to this one that the mind just boggles! This is almost more fun than Cheney gunning down his best friend. To start with, we should realize right now that there is no way we will ever convince the Muslim world that there are actually things that are more important than Big Mo. His name trumps all, the ultimate religious, judicious, scientific, medical trump card. What big Mo says is all we need to know. Must be nice. It’s as much intolerance as JC and his gang. Think about it, out the windo...
OFFICE OF THE COMMITTEE TO SEND BUSH TO BAGHDAD (A licensed subsidiary of the Bush President of Iraq League BPOIL) 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Washington DC Tel: 9/11/01 For Additional Information: Mr. Karl Rove Inmate # 47-3367 San Quentin State Facility San Quentin, CA GEORGE BUSH TO RUN FOR IRAQI PRESIDENCY Soon to be Former President Says Baghdad “My Kind of Town” Washington DC and Baghdad, IQ:- Soon to be former President of the United States, George W. Bush, today announced that he will be running for the soon to be opened position of President of the Republic of Iraq (ROI). Mr. Cheney, recently released from a local hospital after a kneecapping incident gone bad during a hunting incident. “My family has been pouring personal as well as governmental money into this country for the last twenty years,” said Mr. Bush. “And I believe that it is time to get a legitimate return on our investment. In many ways Iraq is just like Texas, there is oil, religious extremism and a docile population...