
Showing posts from 2008
Burning Bush Day! On January 20, 2009, George Bush will finally be pried out of the White House. He will leave behind the legacy of what may be the worst president this country has ever known. His malice and greed went beyond stupidity; it encompassed evil at every level. There are over a million Iraqi dead who have been avenged by the throwing of a pair of shoes. But what of the foreclosures and ruin of small to large businesses, the 4,500 dead American soldiers, the 3000 WTC dead, the prisoners tortured and killed on our soil and in foreign lands in our name? What of the unavenged, the restless victims of this administrations pervasive evil? What gesture will unite the citizens’ of America, and serve as reminders that never again will such crass mediocrity and evil come together to destroy our nation. I propose that at the stroke of midnight on January 19 bonfires be lit across the land. I propose that the ceremonial Bush burning be spread from town to village to lonely farmhouse and...
Elections and Election Days It is finally here again, the day we assume control of our country's delicate future, the day we dispose of George Bush and his slime. The day we can pull the chain and flush the man and his evil into the ceespool of history, relegate him and his team into that leaching field where Hitler and Goering, Menachem Begin and Idi Amin reside festering into the future. We know the natre of the animal, and the two past elections should have taught us that he or his clones could be back, but the day of election is a day of hope. It the type of day that asks to be remembered and it creates a joy and a hope in all of us. It is the day that the peniccilin will take, that the wound starts to cauterize, that the pus no longer oozes. It is the day for those of you who voted for the beast can atone and, hanging your head in shame, shuffle to the polling station and do the right thing. In San Francisco there is a measure on the ballot to name a sewage treat...
Lest we Forget Two times this week I have received emails headed by that awesome title "Lest we Forget". The first was something that I had never known, and therefore could not forget, the incredibly nasty actions taken by men against women looking to vote in the United States. The second for having used the words "Arbeit Macht Frei", the cynical slogan atop the entrance to Auschwitz. Both efforts to remind me forced the issue of what those words really mean; lest we forget. What they mean is that someone with some sort of hidden agenda seems to feel that his personal reflection on some far off disaster expresses the urge to remind himself that attention may be flagging. Face it, lest we forget some of the more blatant miscarriages of sanity in the last hundred years is an elitist statement saying that I have more empathy than thee. It takes to himself the high moral ground of the philosopher or sage pointing your dirty nose into something that has not weighe...
My Fatwa A fatwa in the Islamic cult is a legal opinion or ruling from an Islamic scholar. It is that simple and that deadly. So when you hear that somebody in a remote village of some far off land has issued a Fatwa that legalizes the killing of an individual, or a whole nation, it is actually one man's opinion expressed as a statement wrapped up in some sort of undefined Islamo Legalistic wording. Notice that the definition does not specify who can issue Fatwas, and what the criteria of support really are. A Fatwa, in reality, is one man's opinion based on his very own interpretation of the holy books that Islam revere as the word of their peculiar God, in this case called Allah. Having studied Islam these last thirteen years with growing concern and contempt, I wondered if I qualified as a Scholar, and if yes, could I issue a Fatwa? After consulting with a Muslim friend, and speaking to an Imam who will remain nameless, we concluded that in reality anyone can issue a...
Critical Questions for the Candidates. The recent spate of incredibly ridiculous election activities has caused a number of us to pause and wonder how silly will this election really become. For example, is the latest Palin brat actually Sarah's or Bristol's? I don't know how many of us have blasted off to the maternity ward once the waters have broken, but I suspect quite a few pregnant women had only one idea when that happened, get to the hospital, little Trig or Track is on his way!! Sarah is made of sterner stuff, her reaction to the imminent arrival of Trig, while noodling around Texas, was to casually get on a plane and fly all the way back to Alaska, then jump in a car for another couple of hours to finally birth the babe in an out of the way discreet hospital. Sounds logical, or is it? I have five bucks that shortly before Bristol is supposed to whelp, she will miscarry so that the whole adventure can get swept under a rock, and one day, little trig will have a D...
Who really cares? The two presidential candidates squared off in a church recently to discuss what their moral and religious beliefs really are. Who is the better person because he is best able to relate to god, amazing because,who the hell cares? Our outgoing national disgrace claims to talk to his particular god, and see where those two idiots have led us? These mythological beliefs have taken on an enormous significance, and yet all around the world real thinking people are bailing on their godlets. In Europe the number of non-believers is mounting steadily, they are now a majority in several countries. This enlightened attitude is probably due to the rise of the more radical mythologists like Islam and Mormonism. If what allah allows is truly godlike, then allah is a monster and so are yahweh and all the other god critters. If you think about it, religion is sustained less by faith than tradition. "My family has always believed in the lord." Of course some families have a...
Well here I am. I reconnected with an old friend the other day, someone I had lost touch with for about forty years and someone I used to love very dearly but lost in a really messy relationship. We used to share everything together, working on cars, swimming in a lake, bothering people, playing the guitar and just hanging out together. My friend had the amazing capacity of always seeing the other side of where I was standing, and gently guiding my thoughts to his side. Oh, he had no illusions since we were both dealing with idiots, and so one day we just lost sight of each other. I went away, and so did he. He took a very large part of me and replaced it with big words like responsibility, and career options, and the need to progress. He took away the joy of the single song on a twelve string guitar, the slide into a corner with a disintegrating bicycle, the subtle pain of the scraped knee and bloody nose. He took away a lot and left me with security. He took away danger and love a...
Invasion and Occupation There seems to be some confusion about the context of invasion, occupation and immigration. Let me explain because the terms may soon become interchangeable. What we did to Iraq was an invasion, that is the correct term for coming into another country without any clear reasons and assuming complete control of that country's assets, population, natural resources and imposing your own rule of law. In he same vein, under the terms of invasion, the invader is allowed to impose, by force, his will on the weaker local population. Notable invasions are Hitler's unprovoked attack on Poland, the Soviet Union's clear grab for the Baltic states, Saddam Hussein's invasion of Kuwait and the George Bush delusional attack on Iraq. Needless to say George is in good company, along with Attila the Hun, Imperial Rome and the Israeli invasion of Palestine. Invasions are blatant land grabs by a stronger force without either reason or provocation, as I said. There ar...
My highway rules It's never the life you lead but the truth you follow that bring you to your end at another man's bidding. Your own values and convictions should be strong enough to maintain your integrity and ensure your existence. It's when I follow another man's thoughts, another man's delusions or dreams that I run afoul of myself and afoul of the others. Two enemies face you the day you are led astray; yourself in conflict with your intelligence and the others who have abandoned their own. There is no easy road back from the mistakes of the follower, his road is no longer his own path, and trying to make sense of the small paths, and large highways that others open up for you is no easy matter. Your own footprints get blurred in the masses of cattle tracks that belong to no one, and your small little footpad, the animal track of your frightened awareness, can never be picked up once you have walked away from it. It is a small thing to stray, and a small sides...
The Lessons of History Or what did the last war bring you? It is an oft repeated chestnut that he who ignores the lessons of history is bound to repeat them, and it may even be true. But what about the lessons you learn from history and modify them to your advantage. We must ask, what did the Republicans learn from that war, compared to what the Democrats took away from the conflict? To start with, the Democrats clearly learned that the war was a fractious exercise in national disruption. They learned that it destroyed families, it killed off over 50,000 young Americans, and it left an indelible stain on our national image. The Republicans learned that there was money to be made in War. The Democrats took their lessons to heart and have implemented policies to mitigate the possibility of future conflicts. They stood down from confrontations, increased foreign aid, worked assiduously to minimize strife around the world. The image of Jimmy Carter brokering the only lasting Middle East ag...
McCain and Guantanamo Bay The recent announcement that Senator McCain may not be allowed to run for President of the United States has numerous repercussions, some of them devastating to the Bush prisoner policy. There are only two possible outcomes should anyone challenge the legitimacy of the McCain right to run; he is either allowed to run because the base where he was born is considered US Territory, or he is out of the race. In a nutshell, he was not born on US soil. That fact is indisputable, he was born in Panama What is less clear is what the exact interpretation of the word natural born citizen in the Constitution actually means: Article 2, Section 1 of the Constitution, entitled the President, means s/he has to be born in the U.S., meaning the 50 States (and not, possibly, D.C.) No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption o f this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President; neither shall any Person ...
It is a new Year! It is a new year when we know for a fact that George Bush will be sent away. A new year when we can watch as one of America's greatest group or arch-criminals will be allowed to walk away. A group of serial killers, war profiteering , murdering, lying, influence peddling, money laundering scum will be allowed to smirk into the sunset. Amazing, because we all know, even their henchmen know, that these may be the most serious traitors our country has ever had to face. These people, our President, our Vice President, the secretary of state, and all he way down to the lonely interrogator in a Cuban jail, they all know that they are part of a sickening, stench-filled conspiracy to destroy all the was once good and noble in my country. No crime was too base that these filthy defilers did not feel compelled to embrace. Sexual perversions up to the highest levels of our government , outing our own agents, desperately trying to grub the last little penny from a child...