Great, now the Christians are up in arms about a fictional story concerning a mythical character. The Da Vinci Code movie is out, and in the spirit of Muslim tolerance, we are being urged not to see the movie.

The idea of a horde of suicide bombing followers of Christ is pretty funny since that particular form of mythology actually spawns meek and meager victims rather than angry young people with too much time on their hands blowing up airplanes.

No, much better to have irritated Christians than pissed off Muslims, but that can change. All we need is for some Ayatollah to declare that his kids care more for the Prophet than our kids care for Christ and off we go into the suicide finals. Showdown at the Roman corral.

Hey 12 really bad cartoons compared to a very boring, two hour, movie! Sounds like a deal to me, besides, I always preferred cartoons, it kept me from having to think. The old Playboy mantra, it's not the pictures it's the articles.


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